Monday, October 21, 2019

Callahan chronicals essays

Callahan chronicals essays After reading the Callahan Chronicals I have come to realize that there are many things to be learned in life. This book captured my attention by trying to figure out just what it is that Spider Robinson is trying to pass on to the reader. I have come to the conclusion that the author is trying to portray real life situations with a little twist to keep the reader interested. There is a lesson to be learned from each story. Each visitor that passes through Mike Callahan's bar is teaching the people who are already there a lesson and there is In the Centipede's Dilemma I learned that apperance really dosen't matter. Dink Fogerty led the whole bar to believe that he was incapable of even throwing a dart but then he, dispite his image, used telekinesis (mind over matter) to project the darts into the dartboard with tremendus accuracy. You cannot just sleep on your opponents in real life situations. You must look beyond your opponents apparent capabilities to be a contender in any game, espically the game of life. If you don't you will surely get stepped on throughout your life. If the people at Callahan's didn't catch on to Dink's attribute then he would have walked out of that place knowing that he screwed over the entire bar. I have learned to look for things like this now and will not get decieved eaisly in my lifetime. Fogerty wasn't all that bad though, any bird that can keep their glass filled with gin all the time would be a good companion for mostly anyone. Just Dessert was a good story on how people do not like to be made a fool of. This story's focus was on practical jokers. The message I received from this writing was that people don't like practical jokers even if their motifs are just for fun. You also must be careful because that joke can turn foul and hit you right back in the face. That is exactly what happened to the men who t...

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